This is a private area of my site for my students to get together to jam, one-on-one or as a group.
To help you find people to jam with, when you register you will be asked to:
1. Rate your own playing level on a scale of 1-5:
- Beginner
- Beginner-Intermediate
- Intermediate
- Intermediate-Advanced
- Advanced
2. Choose the types of music you want to play with others in a jam session:
- Rock
- Blues
- Jazz
- Country
- Acoustic songs with singing
- Indie
- Pop
- R&B
- Other (describe)
3. Define what you want to do on the guitar, and what you can bring to a jam session:
- Loose jamming over backing tracks, practicing exercises together, etc.
- Play blues rhythm and/or lead guitar
- Play songs…describe what songs you can play or are trying to play
- Play chord progressions…using open chords, barre chords, or both?
- Play scales in different keys on the guitar
- Do you sing at all?
Once you're registered you can search for other people to jam with based on what they have entered in their profiles, and when you find a "jam buddy" or two, I can meet with you to lead the initial jam session to help you get going. I can be the “leader” of your first jam session and help you prepare specific materials beforehand, as well as coach the interaction of the jam session, and even participate with you. This will help you focus on skills you may want to develop in order to have a fun and productive jam!
If you haven't done so already, click the blue "Request Invitation" button on the right and I will get back to you by email with a link to register.
If you're already a registered user, enter your username and password in the white boxes and hit the green "Login" button to go backstage.
That's all there is to it, and hit me up if you have any questions!