I have been a full-time professional guitarist and private teacher for over 34 years, assisting literally thousands of students to become the best guitarists they can be. I have played over 3,000 professional gigs in all styles of music...thousands (yes, thousands) of gigs, in nightclubs, casinos, touring bands, studio recording gigs, restaurants, concerts, festivals, resort hotels, weddings, corporate functions and more.
The majority of my gigs have been played in bars, throwing down rock 'n' roll shows, night after night, year after year. I once had a gig at a bar in Escondido six nights a week, for six months straight, as the house band. Every Friday was whipped cream wrestling night (ask me sometime and I'll tell you about it). My favorite gig was when I opened for Albert King, on the second to last gig he played before he died. The show was written up in the San Diego Reader, by writer John Brizzolara. I was playing with the Rick Gazlay Group at the time. Just another night in a career of being a rock 'n' roll warrior. But, I have also performed a lot of gigs in jazz, blues, country, pop, and other styles, as well. And, I have toured with national acts as a sideman guitarist for hire. You name it, I have played it on a stage many times.
And, I have trained a LOT of guitarists who have studied with me. Many of my students have gone on to become professional guitarists, performers, guitar teachers, and even music professors at universities!
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